Name of company : Beijing Bork Metal Hose Co.,Ltd.Establishment of company: January ,1995Directorate president: Xin LiCapita l : 58.47 million CNY

Land and Buildings Approvals & Obtained certificationsSAI Cetificate Of Conformity
(No.:GSCS20134)BSI Verification Certificate
(No.:VC748735)AEO Certificate
- l 通用型金属软管
General purpose flexible hoses
- l 水用金属软管
Flexible hoses for water
- l 燃气输送用金属软管
Flexible hoses for gas
- l 真空用金属软管
Vacuum flexible hoses
- l 不锈钢金属网套
Stainless steel braids

BEIJING BORK METAL HOSE CO.,LTD.地址:中国·北京市大兴区魏善庄镇半壁店工业街16号102611No.16 Banbidian Industrial Zone, Daxing District, Beijing 102611 ChinaPlease call :
(86) 010-8923 1227
(86) 010-8923 1222
Monday - Friday 8am-4:30pmE-mail: sales@changebooking.com